Sunday Gatherings
For nearly 2000 years Sundays have been the traditional gathering day for the local church. At Neighborhood Church we do not believe that one particular day is more important to gather on than another, but we do see the power and importance in a regular and consistent gathering.
On most weeks our Sunday gathering is held in the evenings at 5:00pm. We meet at 1567 Overton Park Avenue in Evergreen Presbyterian Church’s Building. A typical gathering lasts until 6:30pm.
These gatherings do not all look the same though. We have three types of Sunday experiences at Neighborhood Church.
Worship & Prayer
During these gatherings we focus on honoring God. We sing, we tell stories, we read scripture, we praise him with our prayers. On these Sundays the focus is not so much on what we can learn or ask from of God, but what we can bring to Him in worship. These gatherings are typically the first Sunday of the month.
Teaching Times
Our teaching times are more of what you would expect as a traditional Sunday gathering of the church. The anchor piece of these services are usually a 30 minute teaching surrounded with singing, communion, announcements, etc. These teaching gatherings are often held at least twice, sometimes three times, per month.
Meals & Fellowship
Our 5:00pm meeting time lends itself nicely to a meal together. These experiences are for the entire family. We sit and share a meal together and then usually over a dessert or two we discuss our lives, our stories, Jesus, scripture, and more. These conversations are usually held in the context of our current teaching series. This gathering is often held five times yearly.