A prayer of servanthood

When it comes to serving, we all choose who it will be, Jesus;
Some people are easy to serve:
Those we love, those who love us, those who are like us, those who show us their appreciation.
But, others make serving really hard:
Those we dislike and fear, those who attack or fear us, those who are different.
Those who seem to just take and give nothing back.
But, in all of our picking and choosing, you ask a very difficult thing of us, Jesus –
You ask us to be servants of all.
How are we to do this? How do we serve the weak, the poor, the neglected, and the strong, the wealthy, the
pampered? How do we serve the broken, the victims, the denied, and the breaker, the perpetrator, the denier?
How do we possibly serve all?
However it may be, Jesus, keep us from using our fear or confusion as an excuse not to serve; and help us just
to make serving the most natural response we have to anyone.
And may our service join with that of others:
To gently change our world into a place where all serve and all are served. Amen.
– John van der Laar