A prayer of Confession

God of fire,
You are a force beyond human understanding, with the power to sear through the veins of creation with
passion and vigor, or to extinguish life in consuming flame. Your presence is dangerous for there is no
predicting where you might burn, and yet comforting for the light and warmth offer an invitation to draw
Redeeming God,
Out of the flames of your creation, your voice calls, marking us as your own. Yet there are times when we
choose to ignore your voice, and listen instead to our own needs and desires and those that challenge our
faith from within the world.
Forgive us for those times;
when we have ignored the needs of others;
when we have failed to place our feet upon your path;
when we allow the earthly voice to distract us from your call.
Time of Silence
Loving Lord,
In your forgiveness you offer again your invitation to know your love, to be loved, and to respond to your
call. In hearing your voice may we find our place within your creation.
– Rev. MaryAnn R. Rennie